Are you a victim of unexpected shutdown of Mac? If yes,
then you must get aware of the reasons for this unwanted event. Mac
is a very reliable and efficient operating system but it may also
develop serious issues. So, we should always try to take proactive
precautions and steps to avoid getting trapped in such problematic
events. A sudden shutdown of Mac can make the data inaccessible or
even lost. Below are some reasons, troubleshooting steps and solution
to solve this issues.
Update - 6 Jan 2017 (Register Free Mac Data Recovery)
reasons held responsible for an unexpected Mac OS X shutdown:
- Overheating: If the Mac's processor or hard drive gets overheated due to high temperature or unfavourable environment conditions like hot and humid surroundings then this can result in the unexpected shutdown which may further lead to data loss.
- Virus infect: Mac is a very secure and robust operating system but sometimes it can also gets affected by virus and malwares. Virus attacks can modify the application preferences and this can lead to the corruption of Mac OS X and resulting in the unexpected shutdown of Mac.
- Hard drive corruption: Hard drive can corrupt due to following reasons like physical damage, logical failure, overheating, bad sectors etc. To know more about hard drive corruption click on Due to sudden system (unrecoverable) errors, the OS X chooses to completely shut down the Mac to prevent any further damage. This condition of the system is also popularly termed as 'Blue Screen of Death'.
troubleshooting steps you can follow to fix this error:
1)Try to reboot the Mac in
safe mode to fix the error.
2)You can verify the ATA
controller to fix the issue.
3)Use the 'Disk Utility' to
get rid of any hard drive error. If a disk has a problem repair it by
'Verify and Repair permission' options.
4)If a Mac shuts-down due to overheating, then it is
advisable to keep it off for sometime to cool it down. You can
also apply thermal paste to reduce over heating of the drive.
If all the above troubleshooting steps fails to fix this error and
Mac is still unable to bootup then it is advisable to format Mac and
use the existing backup to restore the data. And in case backup is
not created or lost then a third-party data recovery tool will do the
work for you.